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downturn, we had clients coming to us saying that they weren't getting so much as a telephone call from their brokers," says Smith. "We really do focus on our customers' best interests, which is why I'm proud to be doing this work at this institution." The Investment Center is not limited to those with great wealth or those who are nearing retirement. Earlier is better when it comes to planning; it is advantageous to meet with an advisor years in advance of retirement. "Some younger people think they can't use wealth management services because they don't have that big balance in their bank accounts; but what they do have is time," says South Shore Bank President, Paul Pecci. "With a wealth management program, time can create that big balance." For those who are close to retirement, Dougherty, Kelson and Smith make sure there is a comprehensive plan in place. "90% of retirement planning is cash flow," says Dougherty. The Investment Center has the expertise to optimize a client's liquidity for retirement and put emergency reserves into place. The advisors engage in open and frequent communication with their clients, helping them try to reach their desired financial destinations. They learn what their clients are concerned about; what their goals are; and how they feel about their finances. Amassing wealth and preparing for retirement "involves much more than contributing to a 401k," says Dougherty. Many considerations come into play, such as a person's spending style, property, pensions, bank assets and short and long-term goals. "There is great breadth in what we can bring to the table." The care and expertise of the advisors in the Investment Center allow them to create customized financial plans which serve a client's best interest. Managing money doesn't have to be overwhelming or scary: The Investment Center's wealth management advisors understand how to structure someone's portfolio so that during any economic bumps in the road, some or all of the portfolio can employ strategies to help protect against market volatility. It can be liberating and even fun to sit with an advisor and project how small investments today could have big payoffs in the long-run. Speaking with a wealth management advisor at the Investment Center is beneficial for people across a broad spectrum of ages and income levels. "Investing is not about just one aspect, so they're looking at your whole financial picture," says Pecci. "People get a dental and medical check-up every year; why not have an annual financial check-up with your primary care wealth advisor?" The Investment Center team is available for a confidential, no-obligation consultation. To schedule a consultation at your convenience, contact the Investment Center at South Shore Bank at one of their two convenient locations: Braintree at 372 Washington Street, 781-664-6354 or Weymouth at 51 Columbian Street 781.682.3209. Investment products and services are offered through INFINEX INVESTMENTS, Inc. Member FINRA, Member SIPC. The Investment Center at South Shore Bank is a trade name of the Bank. Infinex and the bank are not affiliated. Products and services made available through Infinex are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency of the United States and are not deposits or obligations of nor guaranteed or insured by any bank or bank affiliate. These products are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of value. 15 "Some younger people think they can't use wealth management services because they don't have that big balance in their bank accounts; but what they do have is time." - Paul Pecci The Investment Center Team: from left to right, David W. Kelson, Jr. Albert A Smith, Jr. Patrick C. Dougherty