
SSM Summer 2023 Issue

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16 Back in 1953, after serving in the U.S. Army and working for a local electronics company, 25-year-old George Washington Toma, a Quincy native born to Italian immigrants, took what little money he had and started his own repair business. Never could he have imagined that his little shop would grow into the thriving family business known and beloved throughout the South Shore for the last 70 years. As George Washington Toma TV and Appliance celebrates this milestone anniversary, Team Toma and their loyal patrons fondly look back at seven decades of hard work and success, commemorating the life and legacy of the founder himself. George Washington Toma passed away on May 19 at age 94. George's son, George Anthony Toma, took over as CEO back in 1991 when his father retired. When I chatted with him about the family business, he paused and smiled before proudly recounting times when, as a boy, he accompanied his father on repair jobs that far exceeded the services of an ordinary repairman. "If somebody needed something, he did everything in his power to make it happen," explained George. "He didn't always get paid, but he always paid it forward." George Washington's family-first mentality always permeated through his own home and business, as well as the surrounding community. "He was a regular guy," said George of his father. "He always tried to do the right things." That sentiment is what keeps generations of loyal customers returning to the store and telling friends, neighbors and even strangers about the impeccable customer service and personal touch you get at George Washington Toma. George Washington Toma TV and Appliance is part of New England Appliance Group, a cooperative that provides market advantage over 'big box' stores and provides small, local businesses the competitive edge they need to succeed in the marketplace. From pricing advantages to premium customer service, this alliance has helped Toma successfully navigate the difficulties of the digital shopping age. Though you can shop online with Toma, they still provide the in-person touch and what is now unique shopping experience: allowing patrons to be able to come into the showroom and see and touch the equipment they are purchasing instead of making decisions based solely on a few online photos. During the pandemic shutdowns, the business remained operational due to the essential nature of the products and services they offer. George Anthony remembers the challenges of navigating the strict protocols they followed to safely serve patrons during a time when folks were advised to stay away from Old Toma Store George Washington Toma

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